manufacturing industry solutions -ag真人官方

manufacturing industry solutions

to secure a foothold in the competitive manufacturing market, apart from excellent products, enterprises have to also provide excellent services to build good reputation good products plus good services are the only way to win customers over therefore, datatool goes all out to serve manufacturing customers with better solutions our smart all-channel solutions help manufacturing enterprises increase speed and efficiency, improve user experience and achieve precision marketing meanwhile, we also offer ready-made solutions for smart quality inspection and smart knowledge base building

  • data are hard to consolidate due to the presence of multiple consulting channels

  • complicated circulation of sales leads difficult to sort out keeps execution efficiency low

  • failure to refine operation because interaction data are hard to process

  • large number of return visits, low efficiency of manual outbound calls

our strengths
easy customization

provision of customized solutions according to actual needs of customers

precise user portraits for active invitation

precise user portraits with detailed session records, active invitation for conversation, significant increase in conversion rate

streamlined communication processes, lower communication cost

unified management of all channels with seamless connection and clear communication between customer service staff and users, with no need of speculation or repeated description

smart applications

rounds of smart interactions, smart outbound calls, smart quality inspection, smart knowledge base building, in-depth knowledge of user needs, less pressure for customer service staff, lower labor cost

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