corporate culture -ag真人官方

about datatool
core values

customer-first and people-oriented, we value innovation and devotion and seeks shard benefits with teamwork

be customer-first

we take customer value as our top priority. we always bear in mind who exactly are our customers, respect them, care for them, understand what they want clearly, manage their expectations, balance between what customers want and what we want, predict customer demands, and propose solutions to every single problem encountered.

be people-oriented

we value our employees and encourage them to create new value with technologies. we put new technologies into use in our daily work and stay committed to creating value by providing professional services and collaborating with our customers.

we orient all our value creation efforts towards what the general public needs and wants. we provide promising job opportunities and competitive remuneration packages. we build a platform to train and cultivate people. we care for ordinary people and give back to society. we shoulder our corporate social responsibility with concrete efforts.

innovation and devotion

we at datatool always strive to do better while maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude. we embrace changes and are willing to try new methods. we stand ready to move out of our comfort zone to pursue innovations and better-than-ever performance.

we at datatool always strive to do better while maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude. we embrace changes and are willing to try new methods. we stand ready to move out of our comfort zone to pursue innovations and better-than-ever performance.

our employees respect their profession and love what they do. they always keep learning and never hesitate to do everything possible to hone their skills and build a better career at datatool.

teamwork for shared benefits

people at datatool make active efforts to fit into the team, build bonds with their colleagues, make contributions to every discussion, offer help to whoever in need, advocate all kinds of cooperation, build enabling atmosphere, and do their jobs with an open mind.

corporate values

customer-first and people-oriented, we value innovation and devotion and seeks shard benefits with teamwork

corporate vision

become a long-term leader in china’s cx industry

corporate mission

build an open platform and deliver outstanding services

we are committed to creating value for society with a strong sense of corporate social responsibility.

we respect people and the environment for better life and career and work actively to protect the environment.

we encourage all stakeholders to advocate responsibility and due diligence.

we pursue technological innovations for better corporate social responsibility performance so as to contribute to sustainable development.

we pay close attention to corporate culture development to build cohesion. we support education and the elimination of the digital divide.
